Freifunk Quality Assurance Report

Quality Assurance Report for Freifunk Community Registry File. Community Registry is also know as Community Directory.
This report is two-fold. First part is about global community metrics. Second part (at the end of this page) is about each local user group (a city/town).
In this report we use the term 'community' only for worldwide scope (all users) and the term 'local user group' for all users in one city/town.

Usage Tips

Hover over a pie diagram piece or tab on it to see its value.
Click or tab on an entry in the diagram legend to hide or unhide this piece in diagram.
If entry in diagram legend is strikethrough then it means that this entry has currently a value of zero (0).
Note: Very low values (compared to the rest) may not be visible at a first glace, as the pie piece is to tiny. Hide big pieces to see the tiny once.


As an alternative to this Quality Assurance Report you can use the API Viewer. It shows the current status of all endpoints, but be warned, currently down endpoints are sometimes not listed as down. Instead cached data is listed without special notice.
File is available for download.
File is a valid json file. (syntactically correct)
This report was generated at: 2022-05-29 15:44:21
Report will be updated every hour.

High-level Global Report

Detailed Report For Each Meta Community

Detailed Report For Each Local User Group (Community)

Proudly presented by Freifunk Hamm
We love open source. Source code of this monitoring and reporting tool is available at Feel free to contribute and to file issues.
This report was generated with support of: PHP, Font Awesome (Free pure CSS icons), Chart.js (Symbols), JSON Schema for PHP, (JSON Schema) JSON Pointer for PHP (JSON Pointer), Cloudflare (CDN), Webgo (Hosting) and Christian Weiss (DevOps Engineer)